We have a fantastic team of volunteers working in our group and without their continued support, we would not be able to operate and provide the fun filled activities we offer.

We are always looking for new members of our team, either to help run activities, occasionally help run a session or just assist in fund raising. Volunteering for Scouting is easier than you think. Whether you can spare an hour a month or a day a year, we have hundreds of opportunities both behind the scenes and working with young people. With full support and training, you can experience the fun, friendship and adventure of Scouting for yourself, all on a flexible basis, so if you fancy joining in and would like to offer your time, please contact us .

We also have opportunities for "Young Leaders", open to young people aged between 14 and 18. The Young Leaders' Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps them fulfil the service elements of their awards.

Our Teams

Group Scout Leader

Section Leader

Assistant Section Leader

Assistant Section Leader

Section Assistant

We are looking for new members to join and help lead our Beaver section

Section Leader

Assistant Section Leader

Assistant Section Leader

Section Assistant

We are looking for new members to join and help lead our Cub section